Crowley Parking Lot Accident Lawyer

Tens of thousands of parking lot accidents happen each year. If you’ve been injured in a parking lot accident because of a negligent driver in Crowley, Louisiana, then you may be entitled to compensation. 

An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you navigate the claims process and seek the compensation you’re entitled to. Look no further than Kenny Habetz Injury Law. Our Crowley parking lot accident lawyer has over a decade of experience and has collected millions of dollars for our clients to date. 

We offer a free consultation to review your case; contact us today at (337) 329-8883 to get started.

How Can Kenny Habetz Injury Law Help After a Parking Lot Accident in Crowley?

How Can Kenny Habetz Injury Law Help After a Parking Lot Accident in Crowley?

Parking lot accidents might seem relatively innocent on the surface when compared with other types of car accidents. However, the truth is that these crashes can still result in substantial injuries and harm. If you’ve been hurt in an accident, you deserve to be compensated in full. 

If you hire Kenny Habetz Injury Law, our trusted Crowley car accident attorney can help by:

  • Identifying the liable party
  • Internally investigating your accident
  • Collecting evidence in support of your claim
  • Hiring experts as necessary to strengthen your case further
  • Conducting settlement negotiations with the opposing party on your behalf
  • Filing a lawsuit if necessary

If you’ve been injured in a parking lot accident in Crowley, LA, contact Kenny Habetz Injury Law to discuss your claim.

What Causes Most Parking Lot Accidents in Crowley, LA?

CBS has reported that as many as 1 in 5 car accidents occur in parking lots, and one of the biggest causes of parking lot accidents is distracted driving. According to the National Safety Council, drivers reported that they are often preoccupied with the following while driving through parking lots:

  • Making phone calls
  • Programming GPS systems
  • Using social media
  • Sending or reading emails
  • Taking photos and watching videos
  • Personal grooming

Other causes of parking lot accidents are tight parking spaces and vision being obstructed by other vehicles. While the advent of backup cameras and sensors may be helping to reduce these accidents, they are still very common.

What Is My Crowley Parking Lot Accident Case Worth? 

The amount of compensation a Crowley resident may receive following a parking lot accident depends on many variables. These include:

  • The amount of vehicle and property damage
  • The cost of past and future medical treatment
  • The limits on the at-fault party’s insurance policy
  • The pain and suffering caused by the injuries
  • The impact on their overall quality of life
  • Whether the victim shares any responsibility for the accident

The amount of potential damages is determined on a case-by-case basis. An experienced parking lot accident attorney can evaluate your case and discuss how much your case may be worth.

What Kind of Damages Are Available to Parking Lot Accident Victims? 

Two main categories of damages are available to victims injured in a parking lot accident: economic damages and non-economic damages.

Economic damages refer to the financial costs of the accident and injuries. These include medical costs, lost wages, property damage, and decreased earning capacity. Economic damages are fairly straightforward to calculate.

Non-economic damages refer to the other impacts of an accident or injury, and they are more difficult to calculate. Non-economic damages include pain and suffering, emotional distress, disfigurement, and loss of quality of life. 

There is also a third type of damages, called punitive damages. However, punitive damages are available in Louisiana personal injury cases only in limited situations, such as when the injuries were caused by drunk driving.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Parking Lot Accident Lawyer? 

Generally, personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means the client does not pay attorney’s fees upfront. Rather, if the case is successful and the client receives a financial recovery, then the attorney will take their fee from the award the client receives. If the lawyer does not obtain compensation for the client, they do not receive attorney’s fees.

The attorney will collect a percentage–often around 33%–of the ultimate financial recovery in a case. The benefit of a contingency fee arrangement is that the victim does not have to pay any upfront out-of-pocket expenses to start their case. In addition, the lawyer is incentivized to increase the value of the claim as much as possible.

Can I Recover Compensation if I’m Being Blamed For a Parking Lot Accident in Louisiana?

If you’ve been injured in a parking lot accident in Louisiana and the other party is accusing you of being at fault, this may impact the amount of compensation you can recover. 

Louisiana is a pure comparative fault state. This means that you may recover compensation for your injuries if you share responsibility for the accident. The amount of your recovery will be reduced by your level of fault. 

For example, if you were injured in a parking lot accident and a jury determined that you were 20% at fault in causing the accident, then you could still receive compensation for up to 80% of your damages. 

We’ll Fight To Recover Compensation for All of Your Parking Lot Accident Injuries

Accidents in the parking lots of Crowley can cause a variety of serious injuries, including:

Additionally, parking lot accidents can cause mild to severe vehicle and property damage.

How Long Do I Have To File a Lawsuit After a Parking Lot Accident in Louisiana?

Each state requires a personal injury victim to file their claim within a certain period of time. This deadline for filing a claim is called a statute of limitations. Louisiana has a one-year statute of limitations for bringing a personal injury claim. 

A parking lot accident lawyer can help you navigate the claims process and make sure your case is filed on time.

Contact Our Crowley Parking Lot Accident Lawyer for a Free Consultation 

Kenny Habetz has over a decade of personal injury law experience and has helped injury victims recover millions in compensation. If you’ve been injured in a collision, call today to schedule your free consultation with our qualified Crowley parking lot accident attorney.