Car Accident Statistics in Crowley, LA

Car accidents sometimes feel like a fact of life, but if you suffered an injury because of someone’s negligence behind the wheel, you could be entitled to compensation. By filing a claim, you can get damages for your pain and suffering, financial losses, and much more.

Learn more about car accident statistics in Crowley, LA, and how Kenny Habetz Injury Law can help. We offer a free initial consultation to review your case.

How Kenny Habetz Injury Law Can Help You Recover Compensation After a Car Accident in Crowley, LA

How Kenny Habetz Injury Law Can Help You Recover Compensation After a Car Accident in Crowley, LA

Being in a car accident can leave you with serious injuries and losses that put a financial strain on you. If the accident wasn’t your fault, you shouldn’t have to deal with its aftermath on your own. 

That’s where we come in at Kenny Habetz Injury Law. We’ve recovered millions of dollars for our clients and are confident we can help you, too. With our experience and dedication, we offer services that include:

  • Free claim assessment 
  • Gathering evidence
  • Hiring experts as needed
  • Negotiating with the other party
  • Representing you in court

With more than 10 years of experience, we are ready to help you get the compensation you deserve after a car accident that wasn’t your fault. Contact our car accident lawyer in Crowley, Louisiana, today to schedule a free consultation. 

How Many Car Accidents Occur in Crowley, LA?

Crowley is part of Acadia Parish in Louisiana, which experiences 22.3 motor vehicle fatalities per 100,000 people each year. On average, 68,008 people in Louisiana suffer injuries each year because of car accidents, and 906 are killed. 

Car accidents in Crowley, LA, and throughout the state can result from various types of negligence. However, driving while intoxicated is a prevalent problem. At least 26.7% of Louisiana traffic fatalities are alcohol-related. Driving while intoxicated affects reaction times and increases distractions, making drivers less likely to react appropriately to hazards on the road. 

Driver distraction is another serious concern throughout the state and the entire country. Each year in Louisiana, distracted driving results in approximately 678 fatalities. Anything that takes the driver’s attention away from the road can be dangerous. This includes fiddling with the GPS or radio, speaking with passengers, and more. 

Speeding is another cause of car accidents in Louisiana. When a car is traveling at a high speed, braking in time is more difficult, and the force of a collision can be much greater, leading to more serious injuries. 

Understanding Liability in Louisiana Car Accidents

Louisiana is an at-fault state. This means that whoever caused the accident is financially responsible for the losses the other parties involved suffered. Keep in mind that the state follows a pure comparative fault rule, which means that even if you were partly responsible for the accident, you can still receive compensation. 

To file a claim against a driver, you generally have to prove a few things. Firstly, that they had a duty of care toward you and that they breached it. Anyone driving any type of vehicle owes a duty of care to others on the road. If they broke the law or drove in an unsafe manner, they breached the duty they had. 

You then have to prove that your injuries resulted from the person’s negligent actions. And finally, you have to show that you can be compensated for the losses you suffered. If you didn’t receive medical attention because you only suffered a bruise, for example, you’d not be able to claim compensation. 

Available Compensation After a Car Accident in Crowley, LA

After being in a car accident, you can claim economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are those that point to quantifiable losses.

Medical expenses are the most common, covering everything from hospital bills to physical therapy sessions. If the accident resulted in injuries severe enough to require ongoing medical care, you have the chance to get compensation for this, too. 

Property damage also fits into this category of compensation. After a car accident, your own vehicle may require repairs or even replacement, and economic damages strive to help you with this. 

If you suffered an injury that kept you from going to work, you missed out on wages you’d otherwise have gotten. It’s possible to get compensation for this, too. The same thing applies if you won’t be able to return to your job because of the injuries. 

Non-economic damages are a bit more complicated to put a number to because they’re more subjective. One of the most common of these is pain and suffering

You can also claim loss of enjoyment of life and loss of consortium. Oftentimes, non-economic damages add up to most of the car accident claim’s value. 

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Crowley, LA, Car Accident Lawyer 

Being in a car accident that wasn’t your fault can be devastating. You may suffer serious injuries and experience all kinds of losses. You can receive the guidance you need by turning to Kenny Habetz Injury Law

Contact us today at (337) 399-9000 for a free consultation with an experienced Crowley car accident lawyer.